Tuesday, December 15, 2009

(S)he'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease, That daring young (Wo)man on the flying trapeze!

Being friends with a Dance major has its benefits, an example of which is getting invited to watch members of the opposite sex (opposite of me that is) swing around on trapeze (trapezes? trapi? trapoxen? Your guesses are probably better than mine). My friend Kate, whom is in the first picture doing a super awesome split, had her aerial dance finals last Wednesday. Her dance was a very cool, Avatar The Last Airbender inspired duet that I put together music for, so of course I went to watch. I brought my camera hoping that the lighting would be at least somewhat decent, but of course it wasn't, so I don't have any shots of the actual performances. I was, however, able to get a few pictures afterwards when the girls were playing around on the traps and silks like it was an indoor playground.

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